Securing a new role in 2021 has created new challenges for people looking to transform their careers.  Technology has begun to play a much greater role in all aspects of our lives, in particular in the recruitment process.  In our coaching work at Career Transform, we spend a lot of time helping our clients develop a strategy for greatest results.

When developing a resume, we need to consider using an approach that helps us use technology to our advantage.

Create a Clear Branding Statement

It’s important to develop a clear statement that articulates what you do, not just a “job title”.  The question I encourage my clients to answer is “What do you do?”, focusing on the future not the past. If you haven’t answered that question, your resume is unlikely to work for you.

Clear Branding

It’s important to be able to clearly state what your key capabilities are.  Our approach is always to use a data driven approach to develop them, as well as checking for industry specific keywords.

The key is to be clear on what you bring to a business!

Achievements Focused

The resume needs to focus on clear, measurable results. The days of listing responsibilities of a job are over.  The reader is interested in how you benefited the businesses you worked for in the past.


It’s important to include a clickable link to your LinkedIn profile, which will be consistent with your resume.  It should be the “summary version” or a “reflection” of your resume

Apply the ‘KISS’ Rule

This is even more important.  More is never better.  Keep the resume short and sweet.  This is never easy, editing is the key to a great resume.

So, in closing….

Spending time on your resume is pivotal to your career success in 2021.

Remember, you want to excite the reader enough to want to meet you!

To create a bespoke 2021 Career Plan, contact us at or book a consultation with our expert career consultants.

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